
It’s OK To Have Anxiety

Prince Harry recently said “It’s OK to have anxiety”. But is this just a social media trend, or have global rates of anxiety and depression increased? We discuss what set off Jamie’s anxiety and how he is coming to terms with it. And, by the way, global rates of anxiety and depression have increased by a massive 25 per cent.

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Are We Tourists?

The series continues with episode 002, which takes a rambling walk through our thoughts on everything from kelapas under palapas, brushing shoulders with sharks and what to expect at the table of bollocks.

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Does living on a boat get old… and other questions answered

Does living on a boat get old? What’s it like as a western woman travelling in Muslim countries? These are just two of the questions put to us by you that we are answering in a new series of Q&A sessions. Each week, Liz and Jamie will take it in turns to answer two questions related to living on a boat, from technical to sailing tips to travel and culture. If YOU have a question you’d like us to answer, get in touch or leave a comment. We’ve included the two videos in this post.

Does living on a boat get old… and other questions answered Read Post »

Engine out

Engine seized! Sailing in paradise…

Apart from the deep joy of discovering that our engine has seized, it feels like some kind of nautical episode of ‘Back to the Future’ here on SY Esper

Our regular Sailing Log Diary on YouTube–which out of necessity runs a few months behind real time–shows Jamie sailing alone in Thailand with Liz back in the UK looking after her ailing mum. And yet, right now, Liz has just returned from her >second visit home to tend to Dottie while Jamie has been solo-sailing in Thailand.

In the words of Shirley Bassey and the Propellerheads , “…it’s all just a little bit of history repeating…”

Engine seized! Sailing in paradise… Read Post » revamped travel writing website

Liz’s Revamped Travel Writing Website

For the last few months our followtheboat updates have centred around our refit. This is all very well if you’re interested in boats, mechanics, engineering, painting and/or dusty Thai boatyards, but some of you are probably missing our travel stories and photos. Fear not, because Liz has just revamped her travel writing website and, right now, she’s getting more hits than followtheboat!

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The ‘New’ Maldives

Politics in paradise? Backpacking through the atolls? The Maldives may be a luxury holiday destination, but people still have to make a living, and political agendas are alive and kicking. Taking inspiration from India’s homestays, Maldivians are opening up their houses to travellers. Liz describes the two islands on the next part of our trip, and profiles the new generation of Maldivians looking for a fairer future.

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The Beaches of Uligamu (Photo Slideshow)

Having dropped anchor in Uligamu, after a frustrating four-day crossing from Cochin, India, we put our worries to one side with a wander along the desolate beach of the Maldive’s most northern (but one) island. This is a little photography slide-show for your entertainment. Just click on the image below to begin and don’t forget you can view it in full-screen mode to get that “I’m-really-there!” sensation!

The Beaches of Uligamu (Photo Slideshow) Read Post »

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