We had planned to leave Bodrum asap, but plans have a funny way of changing on a boat. There had been a few occasions when it was impossible to get the boat in gear, but somehow each time this happened we eventually did manage to find the gear (thus avoiding one or two near misses with other boats and objects).

Luckily the same problem reared its ugly head as we tried to leave now (rather than when it might have been dangerous). This time it wouldn’t magically go away and took some serious swearing and shouting to get it to work. Jamie and I then argued about what to do next. Jamie wanted to give it a go, as the problem had been on-going for some time. I very much err on the side of caution in matters of this sort and finally won the day.
We called upon the services of a number of our professional friends and soon Yat Lift were on the case.
We spent the next few days in Bodrum, doing all the usual things – eating, drinking, shopping, playing backgammon – you’ll have got the drift by now. One thing we did manage to sort out was new foam seats for both the saloon and the front cabin. These were duly measured and ordered. Now we would have a more comfy front cabin and better saloon to offer our guests.
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