Sixteen hazards in two days of sailing

Sixteen hazards in two days of sailing

The first few weeks in Indonesia were difficult.

First, we had the possibility of being denied entry and all the attendant anxieties that brought on. And that was followed by five days in quarantine without permission to get off the boat.

The joy of passing our tests, being granted a visa and leaving for our first anchorage was soon tempered by a night storm that had boats dragging and anchors snaring.

Was navigating through Indonesia going to prove as difficult as we had been warned?

We Made It To Indonesia, but...

Perhaps it might.

Over the next two days off the coast of Kalimantan in the Celebes Sea, we encountered 16 different types of hazards, dangers and obstructions.

  1. Anchor is stuck
  2. Shipwrecks
  3. Fishing nets
  4. Busy marine traffic
  5. Currents
  6. Spring tides
  7. Squalls
  8. Sleep deprivation
  9. Wind over tide
  10. Missing navigation markers
  11. Changes in sea-state
  12. Floating debris
  13. Shallow water
  14. Shipping lanes
  15. Cross-traffic
  16. Dragging anchors

The next chat is all about the terrors of sailing and what scares us most. What is (or would be) your biggest fear on board?

Here’s the episode…

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