Thank you for being here
We love blogging about and filming this watery lifestyle. And we are thrilled that you have come along to share it with us. Our content will always be free, but if you enjoy what we produce and think we’re doing a good job, here are a couple of ways to show some love…
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Become Our Patron
Would you like a postcard from us through your letter box, remember those? Or one of Jamie’s images to your Inbox every month? How about an Esper T Shirt, and even the chance to come and meet Millie-the-cat on board? A pledge of $2 each time we release a video is all it takes.
We promise to use pledges wisely, specifically for smarter equipment to bring you fancier footage.
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Esper’s Rum Fund
Did you know that it takes the equivalent of at least one bottle of rum and two cans of cat food to produce each post? That’s a lot of rum. And cat food. If you’d like to show your appreciation, a few doubloons in Esper’s Rum Fund would give all of three of us a warm feeling inside. And we’ll send you the recipe for the famous Esper cocktail, but not Millie-the-cat’s favourite food—which is, basically, raw fish.
Hit the bottle above and you’re on your way to the cocktail recipe…
Still not sure? Then watch this video for a laugh…