
Our TV Interview As A Podcast

Many of our podcast listeners don’t get a chance to check out our website updates so we’ve made the job easier for you. Last month we were interviewed by MarineBiz television channel about our sailing background and the interview was broadcast earlier this week. We’ve decided to turn that interview into an audio podcast, so here it is in all its glory. Finally, the tables are turned and someone interviews us!

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Hollywood Beckons: Our TV Interview

Just before we left India Liz and I were interviewed by MarineBiz TV, a global television channel which has been putting together a series of programmes called ‘Sailor’s Diary’. In it each member of the Vasco Da Gama Rally was interviewed and asked about their backgrounds, experience and life at sea. We’ve managed to get hold of a copy and reproduce it here. Do please let us know if television really does put on 10lbs because I’m sure I look slimmer than I feel 😉

Hollywood Beckons: Our TV Interview Read Post »

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