
Dang the varnisher with one piece of floorboard. Solid teak!

Esper Refit 16 – teak cockpit with grey caulking

In the week that Thailand falls under martial law we have a special news bulletin on how the locals are coping with the threat. Meanwhile, in the boatyard, the top coat is now being applied and the masts look like new. Goy’s paint team are working on various lids and covers too, leaving just the topsides and deck to paint. That won’t be until the toe-rail ‘cuts’ have been smoothed and the cockpit box finished though. Meanwhile the cockpit seats are complete and the varnishers are doing a fantastic job on the floor.

Esper Refit 16 – teak cockpit with grey caulking Read Post »

The yard workers at PSS Boatyard Satun erect the tent for our boat

Esper Refit 4 – tent up; filling in a portlight

Teak decks are being ripped off, toilets have been removed, the top-sides have been spraypainted black and someone is creating so much fibreglass particles and sawdust that even after three showers we’re still itching like hell. The question, therefore, should be: exactly how close are we to a nervous breakdown after a month on the hard here in Thailand? The video clip should put it all in perspective…

Esper Refit 4 – tent up; filling in a portlight Read Post »

Dining On The Cheap

Boating can be an expensive lifestyle, but yachties are notorious for taking advantage of anything with the price tag of ‘cheap’ and ‘free’. In this little piece I estimate we saved ourselves over $700 today. One hundred and fifty dollars just to visit an island, I ask you!

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