
what is a bagan

What is a “Bagan”?

It was on the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia, where Jamie decided to document the “bagan” fishing process properly; it was his most challenging photography project to date. There was a lot of careful balancing on slippery poles in the dark…

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Back To School Round-Up: Kids Projects & Trading Secrets

Got kids? Facebook this week has been awash with proud parents posting up pics of their kids in their new school uniform, compete with descriptions of teary eyes… and that’s just the adults. Liz and I have got into the new term spirit too: followtheboat is involved in a school project which might be of interest to any parent out there with young children. Some educational audio and visual treats coming soon. Also we might just be contravening some international act with our surreptitious recording of the Royal Navy trading secrets with us in Oman. That’s our exclusive podcast that comes out today. Oh and Liz got shortlisted for another writing comp but we said we wouldn’t bore you with those announcements any more 😉 Anyway, it’s all in the link below.

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