Sailing to Japan and the Setouchi Rally
Just in case you’re getting confused about our itinerary (and we wouldn’t be surprised if you are!) this is how it’s looking…
Sailing to Japan and the Setouchi Rally Read Post »
Just in case you’re getting confused about our itinerary (and we wouldn’t be surprised if you are!) this is how it’s looking…
Sailing to Japan and the Setouchi Rally Read Post »
The seven deadliest places in the world. Are these the most dangerous places on earth? Have you been to any of them? Let us know in the comments.
Seven Deadly Sailing Destinations Read Post »
Moving a sailboat in a gale, is it dangerous? Millie and Jamie didn’t feel safe as SY Esper swung around in her cradle, the hull shuddering with each gust of wind. Sometimes life on the hard is hard!