
Mey uses paint remover on the mast

Esper Refit 3 – removing deck fittings; interior mood boards

Six days of work in a three minute video clip… and whilst Liz gets a smack in the head we bring the entire yard to a standstill as we move four boats out the way so we can take prime spot in the corner of the yard. A snippet of time-lapse video trickery in this week’s video summary too. Low-point of this week was having to let one of the staff go, but this was off-set by being relocated to our new home.

Esper Refit 3 – removing deck fittings; interior mood boards Read Post »

Removing our worldly possessions in boxes in PSS Boatyard

Esper Refit 1 – an introduction to our boat refit

We’ve been off the radar for the last few weeks, if you’ll excuse the nautical pun there. It’s been a busy time with us leaving Malaysia, entering Thailand, hauling out, finding a house, emptying Esper of our worldly goods and preparing our beautiful but tired boat for a strip down. Esper’s refit is a monumental project. At the very least we’ll be stripping her of her gelcoat, her teak deck, her masts and rigging and her electronics…

Esper Refit 1 – an introduction to our boat refit Read Post »

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