…and talking of camaraderie amongst sailors, isn’t it nice that in the space of 24 hours you can muster up 20 or so yotties to get together on a beach and have an impromptu ‘Pot Luck’ supper? When I think of the organisation this would take back at home (babysitters, traffic, setting Sky+ to record missed programmes etc) this was an impressive effort by all involved. For us there were some new friends made, some familiar faces we’d never spoken to, familiar boat names we’d never actually met, and some old friends too. Present were s/ys ‘Concerto’, ‘Impulse’, ‘Chagazee’, ‘Eve’, ‘Cowrie’, ‘Eagle’s Nest’, ‘Kiwi Spirit’, ‘Reality’, ‘Alchemy’ and ‘Simba’. It was especially nice to meet ‘Eagle’s Nest’ as we keep seeing them around the bay but had never actually spoken to them. Turns out Tony and Val are old-school part-time liveaboards and may have inspired us to do the Black Sea next year, having done it twice themselves already. Thank you both for your list of recommended places in that area. Watch this space! Sadly Dot of ‘Reality’ broke her ankle getting back into the dinghy later that eve and had to be taken to hospital next day. Best wishes and fast recovery to you, Dot.
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