This post takes us right up to Tawau, the last anchorage before entering Indonesia.
We left Bohay Dulang (the most beautiful anchorage we’ve ever seen) because it was time to head south to the last stop in Malaysia. Tawau is right on the border between Sabah and Kalimantan and was where we had to check out.
Before getting there we had to navigate the reef-strewn Semporna channel. Boats of every shape, size and speed buzzed us all the way. And Liz had the lines out, catching a barracuda, but losing a mackerel…
Malaysia wanted us out, so we had to leave. But the bad news? Indonesia was feeling the first flush of Omicron and had begun to close its ports of entry…
It’s never easy.
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Indonesia should look at WHO data and other evidence from around the world that shows closing ports to yachtpeople is a pointless (in controlling or indeed managing Corona virus) and moreover damaging (to them). Shame about their headless chicken approach.
I think I would find it very stressful in your situation. But at least it is beautiful there.