Kung Hei Fat Choi!

Happy Chinese New Year!

It’s the year of the rat, so let’s hope for auspicious times ahead.

We took this photo yesterday, the day before CNY starts, in a mall close to the marina. It was uncharacteristically quiet and many staff and shoppers were wearing face masks. The Coronavirus outbreak in China has now spread to Malaysia and surrounding countries, so everyone is being very careful not to catch or spread diseases. Celebrations tonight are expected to be muted.

We hope this frightening situation is resolved soon and doesn’t spread any further. Our hearts go out to the victims and families already affected.

Peace and love,

Liz, Jamie and Millie


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2 thoughts on “Kung Hei Fat Choi!”

  1. The NUMBER 1 way to protect yourself against 2019-nCoV is by washing hands. Since the route is primarily by hand/face contact it can easily be thwarted with vigorous hand washing.

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