More motoring in no wind, which makes a change from the strong gusts of the last week. We attempted to drop into a little bay with mooring buoys aplenty. Unfortunately it was occupied by every single motor boat in Greece and Odin grabbed the last buoy. With nowhere to anchor I skulked off to the other side of the bay and attempted to anchor in a puddle no deeper than a half-empty washing up bowel. It was fairly unsuccessful but at least now I am ensuring that anchor is in firm before turning the engine off.
I popped round to the bay next door and was shortly followed by Odin. With anchor satisfactorily set I went for a swim, hung out my freshly washed undies and cracked a couple of tinnies open. Mills and I caught a few more fish (see next page) and we settled down to watch the sun set over a pretty little rustic vista.
Our harmonious tranquil was interrupted by a very apologetic local who had rowed over to politely ask me to move. “Why?” I asked. “Because the water boat is coming to fill up our tanks. I have no water on my island”. In case you were wondering how all these little islands manage for water, there’s your answer. “So why do I have to move, where’s he going to dock?”. “Right there” said my new friend, pointing to the world’s smallest concrete jetty just a few metres away. Thinking perhaps the boat could manoeuvre his way around me I innocently asked the man just how big this boat was. “About 100 metres”! Ah, now I see why you want me to move! I quickly knocked back my second beer, weighed anchor and promptly plonked myself next to Odin who had taken a line ashore on the other side of the bay. John kindly took my line ashore for me.
As the sun disappeared so the water boat turned up. The local wasn’t joking about its size, something I was able to witness up close and personal with the bow of this thing hovering rather closely to Esper’s, as it swung round on its anchor. It was all expertly executed and was a lot quieter than we were expecting. I did laugh though when to my left I could see this huge great big thing taking up the entire view and to my right was the local in his little rowing boat, like he was waiting to take the ship’s lines ashore!
And now, click the ‘Next Post’ link below for a word from Millie the Cat on my fishing skills…
As the sun disappeared so the water boat turned up. The local wasn’t joking about its size, something I was able to witness up close and personal with the bow of this thing hovering rather closely to Esper’s, as it swung round on its anchor. It was all expertly executed and was a lot quieter than we were expecting. I did laugh though when to my left I could see this huge great big thing taking up the entire view and to my right was the local in his little rowing boat, like he was waiting to take the ship’s lines ashore!
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“washing up bowel” ??