Cruising Cock-Ups!

[S04E07] We ALL make mistakes on a sailboat, so don’t believe anyone who says they don’t! This is our Top 10 Cruising Cock-Ups, and it comes with a little help from our viewers and supporters.

If you’re feeling stupid or embarrassed about what you did and want to feel less of a fool, this is the place for you. Add your moment in the comments and get it off your chest. We’ve nailed big, small, funny and dangerous mistakes plus a whole load more that are even worse than yours. Probably.

Are you brave enough to admit your mistakes? Perhaps these headings will trigger a painful memory you’d like to share with everyone…

  1. Killer Tools
  2. Prop Madness
  3. Seacock Stupidity
  4. Dinghy Dorks
  5. Fuel Fools
  6. Hatches Shmatches
  7. Sailing Mishaps
  8. Marina Shame & Destruction
  9. Anchor wanchors
  10. Navigation Bumps & Scrapes

Click here for more information on The Nipple Incident (Ep 343)

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