Sweet Smells And Scratchy Ankles

The wind was not as strong as the day before, so we decided to venture out of the cove and sail to Amazon Creek. We sailed some of the way, but ended up motoring into the small bay. It was perfect and practically deserted.

Nice dive
Nice dive

We took the dinghy to the end of the bay and up the creek. It might have been easier if we had figured out how the mediaeval sign system worked – it may have prevented us from going aground a few times! Anyway, we got ourselves to the end of the creek and carefully avoided feeding the crocodiles (which was one of the instructions close to the camp site at the end). It was a pretty camp site and the food looked good, so we made an appointment to come back later to eat.

Goekova Peninsular
Goekova Peninsular

Then we got our walking boots on and had a really great hike through the undergrowth, past loads of beehives, over streams and up the sides of mountains. The scenery was spectacular. The smells were clean and fragrant. The insect and bird sounds were loud and insistent. My legs were scratched to buggery.

Dinner in the campsite was surprisingly good and very relaxed.

Goekova Peninsular
Goekova Peninsular

Video Clip

Green. Lush. Heady. Exquisite. Looking at this clip makes me pine (pine, geddit?) for a return visit.

Here’s the google-hosted clip if you can’t see the youtube one:



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